mardi 31 janvier 2012

The E-Cuisine project under the spotlight

In its 28th issue (october 2011), the magazine Soleo* features an article on mobility issues inside Europe and the Leonardo da Vinci program, one of its main vector. E-Cuisine is presented as "a linguistic and intercultural tool that is innovative, and adaptable to many countries."**

"Thanks to the Leonardo da Vinci program, mobility-oriented projects bring together the two linguistic aims of european cooperation : on one hand the need for a common language between partakers, on the other hand, a basic understanding of the culture and language of a host country."
Translated from  : "Les projets de mobilité du programme Leonardo da Vinci mettent particulièrement l'accent sur le double enjeu linguistique de la coopération entre européens : d'une part la nécessité d'une langue de communication partagée entre les différents acteurs et de l'autre, la connaissance minimale de la culture et de la langue du pays d'accueil."
[Soleo*, n°28, Octobre 2011, p12-13]
Naturally, E-Cuisine is featured in the article since it is our very aim : enable mobility among students in the catering trade. How ? By offering a learning environement where they can pick up linguistic and cultural elements from their field in other european countries.

It is our hope that this experience will expand their playground to a european scale.

Visit and download the magazine (in french only).
*Soleo is published by "L'Agence Europe-Education-Formation France", the french european agency for education and training.   [Visit website - in french]
** Translated from : "[...] un outil linguistique et culturel novateur, transférable à de nombreux pays."

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