mercredi 24 octobre 2012

Ecuisine and IdA in the newspapers !

At the begining of Ecuisine was IdA, a program meant to enable german students from TGz, our partner in Neuruppin, to spend one month working in the kitchen of some top notch french restaurants in Bayeux.

Last month, 8 new students came to France to live the french experience. This experience proved once again to be a life changer for these students and the people that worked with them.

Last week was their "graduation ceremony" and it was very moving to see those kids surrounded by their host families and new co-workers : you could actually grasp how grateful everybody was in every word.

As we mentioned before, their coming was for the Ecuisine project an opportunity to run a few test on some of our products and their graduation ceremony was a great opportunity to say a few words about Ecuisine and explain how this will become an essential tool for the forthcoming editions of the IdA exchange program.

Here is the support we used for that presentation. We made using one of my new favourite tools : Prezi. It's a clever way to spread a message using pictures, text and videos. Nothing too exceptional it seems but just try it and you'll never open Microsoft Powerpoint again.

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